Holiday Session Recap!


First and foremost, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing holiday!

I, myself, have been busy as usual, but here we are post Christmas events, and I’m finding [more so making time to slow down, catch up, and just relax.
This season, I made a point not to push photo sessions as much as I normally do. Any other year, I’m advertising so much and opening my schedule as wide as possible. When all is said and done, I end up sick with a horrible cold over Christmas as my body plays catch-up. Not this year.
This season, I practiced boundaries. Made a point to keep my schedule a little more open for family time and me time.
We cannot forget to take care of pour into ourselves. If we are empty, how can we pour into other people?
[I was especially conscientious of my pregnancy and really building my immune system this season, making sure I wasn’t depleting myself and our little girl!]

SO, here we are! Still enjoying Christmas break and it’s time to share some of my favorites from the holiday sessions!
[I like to postpone sharing family holiday photos until my clients have opportunities to send out Christmas cards and share the photos themselves. …also, I get so busy that I don’t have time to do Instagram posts!]